“For a Christian who foresees in the action and words of Jesus Christ the divine action itself, business is also a vocation.”
D. Manuel Clemente

Mons. Bruno-Marie Duffé
Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Mons. Bruno-Marie Duffé, 65, is the Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, an important department in the Vatican that has a diverse portfolio covering everything from social, climate change to capital punishment.
French priest with wide-ranging expertise in human rights, migrants and medical ethics. The Lyon based professor-priest is an expert in the Church’s social teaching, which is one of the main subjects he teaches, along with moral theology, for more than two decades at the city’s Catholic university and a Jesuit center in Aix.
He also has expertise in defending persecuted groups: he helped set up the UNESCO chair for minority rights while founding and directing a center for human rights at Lyon University.

João Pedro Tavares
Chairman of Junior Achievement Portugal
João Pedro Tavares has 30 years of professional experience mainly in management consulting, being Vice-president and Financial Services lead at Accenture Portugal while leading several NGO and promoting social entrepreneurship. He also serves as an advisory member of some organizations, namely Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and IES – Instituto de Empreendedorismo Social. He’s graduated in Civil Engineering and has a post-graduation with INSEAD in Advanced Management Program and with the Católica University of Lisbon in Financial Institutions Management.
He’s also a keynote speaker in various events related with banking, leadership, entrepreneurship, social economy and other related issues. Currently, he is the President of Associação Cristã de Empresários e Gestores (ACEGE)

Stefano Zamagni
Professor of Economics at University of Bologna and at the John Hopkins UniversityDrawing on the Italian tradition of civic humanism, the economist and distinguished Professor Stefano Zamagni advocates the need for a more well-mannered type of economic market – a civil economy – which places well-being, virtue and the common good alongside more familiar economic goals like market share, increased productivity and competitiveness. Teaching Economics at the University of Bologna, Zamagni is also a Fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association and a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Rolando Medeiros
CEO of Elecmetal S.A, ChileRolando Medeiros is a Chilean business leader with senior executive experience in Latin America, USA and China and in several business sectors. HE is CEO of Elecmetal, an international holding company headquartered in Chile. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Fundición Talleres Ltda. and seats in several domestic and international boards of directors. He participates in different business associations, non profit organizations and academic institutions. He was educated at the University of Chile and earned postgraduate degrees in Quantum Chemistry and Physics (Uppsala University in Sweden), Business Administration (University of Chile) and Philosophy (Alberto Hurtado University in Chile).

Amina Slaoui
Amina Slaoui, was a successful communications executive when a tragic accident left her wheelchair bound. When she returned to Morocco she was distraught by the lack of care for Moroccans who suffered similar circumstances. This inspired her to create the Groupe AMH, the first and biggest Moroccan NGO for disabled people, which main mission is to increase the social inclusion of vulnerable people and those living with a disability through high social impact products and services. Currently, Groupe AMH provides help, in a range of different areas, to more than 2600 persons per year. She has received many awards including the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 2006.
Amina also sits on the boards of several associations fighting for the human rights. Amina Slaoui has a double Master in Law and Political Science from Paris University of Assas and Sciences Po.

Aimé Sène
A CEO of Hertz Senegal and Via Senegal voyage, Aimé Sène has also been the founder of many companies in the field of hotels and real estate. He is also the founder of ADECCS, Association of Catholic Executives and Business Leaders of Senegal, being its first president from 2007 to 2012. With ADECCS, he founded Radio Esperance Senegal. He is also very involved in the Muslim-Christian dialogue.
He is vice-president of the Club of Senegalese Investors and member of the Board of Directors; he was former president of the Prestigious Rotary Club Dakar between 2007 and 2008, and former president of the Inter-Country Committee of Rotary France -Senegal from 2007 to 2011. He is Knight of the Order of Malta in Senegal and member of the Board of Directors. He has been honoured by many educational institutions such as the Catholic University of West Africa (UCAO).

Augusto Serafica, Jr
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the BCBP (Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals)
Managing Director of Asian Alliance Investment Corporation and Asian Alliance Holdings & Development Corporation.
He serves as Partner of Philippines at Uberis Capital Ltd, is the President, CEO, and Chairman of Premiere Horizon Alliance Corporation, and holds several management positions in other companies. He is also the Treasurer of Sinag Energy Philippines, Inc., a member of the Board of Trustees of the AIM Scientific Research Foundation, and Director of the Alumni Association of AIM – Philippines, Inc.
Being a Certified Public Accountant, he is also the National Treasurer of the BCBP. He obtained a Bachelor of Commerce in Accountancy degree from San Beda College and a Master in Business Management from the Asian Institute of Management.

João César das Neves
President of the Ethics Committee of CATÓLICA-LISBON University
João César das Neves holds a Ph.D. and BA in Economics (CATÓLICA-Lisbon University), an MA in Economics (Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal) and an MA in Operations Research and System Engineering (Universidade Técnica of Lisbon, Portugal). From 1991 to 1995 he served as economic advisor of the Portuguese Prime Minister and was also an advisor to the Portuguese Minister of Finance in 1990.
His research interests are poverty and development, business cycles, Portuguese economic development, medieval economic thought, and Ethics. Author of more than 30 books, he is a regular commentator at the Portuguese media.

Michal Hrabovec
As an entrepreneur with engineering background, Michal co-founded Anasoft, a software company that excels in creating software solutions that support digital transformation of businesses, helping them succeed on their way to the future.
The company´s top talents are involved in Research & Development initiatives, i.e. neural networks lab, self-adapting algorithms, machine vision, multi-factor biometric authentication and cyber security and its portfolio includes electronic signature recognized as the top enterprise mobile application by global leaders like Samsung, BNP Paribas and Orange.
Anasoft was awarded “Company of the Year” in Slovakia and received several top awards for its corporate social responsibility activities, crowned by Via Bona award recognizing its significant contribution to long-term society and community development.

Djisman Simandjuntak
Rector Professor of Business Economics at Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia
Professor of Business Economics and Rector of Prasetiya Mulya University in Jakarta, Djisman Simandjuntak was also its Founder, in 2008, Chairman, Dean and Executive Director. His special interests are in the collaborative-dual higher education and international partnerships. He’s also the Chairman of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies Foundation (CSIS), an important research and policy institution both within Indonesia and internationally.
Djisman Simandjuntak is also the co-founder of the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD), which mission is to internalize best practices of good corporate governance and to improve skills, knowledge, and ability to put it in practice. He serves as Chairman of the Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC) and of the Supervisory Board of the Regional Autonomy Watch, being also a member of the Indonesian Economic Forum. Professor Simandjuntak is also very involved in the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic integration in the Asia Pacific.

Randy Lewis
Randy Lewis, father of an autistic son, believed that people with disabilities could do more and pioneered a disability employment model in the distribution centers of Walgreens. As its senior vice president, and through a revolutionary move, Randy Lewis created thousands of full-time jobs for people with disabilities, proving that it is possible to have a “mixed” workforce, where prejudice has no place and the people with disabilities can also be people with capacities. His initiative is now being rolled out nationwide, changing the lives of thousands and serving as a model for other employers in the U.S. and abroad. He has also developed the NOGWOG `{`no greatness without goodness`}` Disability Initiative as an effective, low-cost and sustainable disability hiring model for employers. Lewis is also the author of No Greatness without Goodness: How a Father’s Love Changed a Company and Sparked a Movement, which offers a firsthand account of what it takes to lead with courage in order to change people’s lives for the better.

Martin Burt
Social Entrepreneur, member of the Board of Directors of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship at the World Economic Forum and of the Global Foodbanking Network
Martin Burt is the founder (1985) and CEO of Fundación Paraguaya, a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of entrepreneurship and economic self-reliance to eliminate poverty around the world. He has also developed the Poverty Stoplight, a new poverty measurement tool and coaching methodology that assists families to self-diagnose their level of multidimensional poverty and develop customized plans to eliminate poverty and currently implemented in more than 30 countries. He’s also the co-founder of Teach A Man to Fish in the UK and has several books published in different areas, having received numerous awards. Member of the Board of Directors of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship at the WEF and of The Global Foodbanking Network, Martin holds a PhD from Tulane University Law School and is a Visiting Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of California.

Chiara Condi
Advocate for Women’s Rights and Social Entrepreneur
President of Led BY Her
Working with women-focused programs for a multilateral development bank helped Chiara understand the universal disadvantages that women face, particularly those who experienced violence, regardless of whom they are or where they live in the world. She developed her own program to address this need after spending significant time with potential beneficiaries in France. She’s the founder of LED BY HER, a social incubator in Paris that mobilizes business schools and the entrepreneurial community to help women build their own projects and achieve their full potential. Chiara is also a regular voice in the media and an internationally renowned speaker on the topics of equality, women’s entrepreneurship, the future of work and building a more inclusive world for women. She’s graduated from Harvard and prior to founding LED BY HER, she worked at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In 2017, she was awarded the Woman of Influence Prize (Business and Hope) for the year in France.

Cécile Renouard
Working at ESSEC Business School (École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales) since 2008, she leads a program on the societal performance of multinational corporations in developing countries. She is currently setting up, at ESSEC Irene, a Research Program – “Companies and Development in Emerging Countries”- , whose aim is to define key societal performance indicators, follow up new models of partnerships between companies and different stakeholders and facilitate the pooling of research and initiatives carried out by companies and opening up areas for discussion and sharing with development agencies, NGOs and various public and private actors. Cécile holds two Master Degrees in Theology and in Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy and has published several books on Social Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, namely: La Responsabilité éthique des multinationals, Un Monde possible and 20 Propositions pour reformer le capitalism (co-edited with Gael Giraud).

Luc Cortebeeck
Member Global Commission Future of Work
Former Chair Governing Body International Labour Organization (ILO)
Luc Cortebeeck was born in Belgium and after his studies at the University College Leuven-Limburg in Leuven, he worked from 1972 to end 2011 at the ACV-CSC, the Confederation of Christian Trade Unions, with 1 600 000 members and the most representative union confederation of Belgium.
He started as an officer at the youth section joined the national staff of the Enterprise-department in 1973 and, in 1983 was elected Secretary of the Federation of Mechelen. Luc Cortebeeck also chaired the Flemish Economic Council (SERV) for three years. From 1999 to end 2011 he was the elected president of ACV-CSC.
As ACV-CSC president he was Regent of the Central Bank of Belgium, Deputy-president of the International Trade Union Confederation, Vice-president of TUAC (Trade Union Advisory Committee OECD), chair of the Workers’ Group in the Committee on Application of Standards of the ILO, Vice-chair and Chair Governing Body ILO (2017-2018). Presently, he’s a member of the Global Commission Future of Work.

Michel Roy
Michel Roy is the Secretary-General of Caritas Internationalis since 2011, a confederation of over 160 national Caritas organizations and an institution of the Holy See dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty and the promotion of integral sustainable human development and social justice, educating the faithful to solidarity and the values of Catholic social teachings. Prior to this role he served as Director of International Advocacy at Secours Catholique / Caritas France, where he worked for 30 years. Since 1988 he has managed the international action of the organization, travelling the world to support and advocate for the poor. He is an alumnus of the Sorbonne University in Paris, graduated in Economics and Oriental languages. He speaks French, Spanish, Italian and English.

Jo Hatem
Born in Beirut, grew up in Lebanon and made his academic studies in Lycée Franco Libanais. Member of Scouts of Lebanon for ten years, Jo Hatem studied mechanical craftsmanship in the National Technical College, and then graduated as an industrial engineer from Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs, Tarbes, France, with focus on aircraft & automotive assembly.
After living three years in Greece with his parents, waiting for an end of the war in Lebanon, he decided to return to the home country in 1982, in the middle of a war that lasted until 1990. In 1986, founded Profiles Software, a publisher of business solutions covering Diaspora markets reaching the Middle East and West Africa. He has been an activist in a number of civil society associations. He Joined EDC-Liban in its early days and is its current president.

Rui Diniz
Founder of ICF – Inclusive Community Forum
Rui Diniz serves as Executive Director of José de Mello Saúde, S.A, and as a Director, non-executive, of José de Mello, SGPS S.A.
He served as Office Manager of the Lisbon office of Mckinsey & Company from September 2007 to February 2010 and served as its Associate Director from July 2002 to June 2008 and Consultant from March 1996 to June 2002.
Rui Diniz is the founder of ICF – Inclusive Community Forum – a study center and a think tank created at Nova School of Business and Economics, which aims to promote a more inclusive community for people with disabilities, identifying the main problems of inclusion and contributing to its resolution.

Alejandro Pellico Villar
Director and Founder of Solidarium
Alejandro Villar was Director of Planning and Strategic Management in Grupo ADO, a 25,000 associate transportation business in Mexico and Director of COPARMEX in Puebla City, the biggest entrepreneurial association in Mexico (36,000 members). He has also collaborated with several companies in the textile and automotive industry in Mexico and the United States of America. Since January 2018 he is also the President of the Social Union of Entrepreneurs of Mexico (USEM) in Mexico City and a member of the board in the Centre for Political Studies of the Private Sector in Mexico.
He is the founder and director of SOLIDARIUM, a consulting company dedicated to institutional strengthening through strategic management with a transcendent purpose. In SOLIDARIUM, he has contributed with several business and social organizations to implement the “People-Centred Management Model”. He holds an MBA in Strategic Leadership and a Master degree in Christian Social Doctrine.

António Pinto Leite
António Pinto Leite is a founder partner of the law firm Morais Leitão. He was co-Chairman of the firm’s board of directors from 2004 to 2012. He is one of the founding partners of J. Galvão Teles, Bleck, Pinto Leite (1992) and of Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles (1994) which led to the establishment of Morais Leitão.
Heading the litigation and arbitration department as well as the international arbitration team, he has vast expertise as a lawyer and as an arbitrator in various national and international arbitrations, but also in particularly complex disputes. He is also the Chairman of the Portuguese Arbitration Association.
He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law and at the Católica Lisbon School of Law and also Professor at the Postgraduate course in Arbitration at the Faculty of Law, Nova University of Lisbon.
He was the President of ACEGE and a member of the Superior Council of Magistracy, elected by the Assembly of the Republic.

Christoph Stückelberger
Christoph Stückelberger is Founder, was Executive Director and is currently the President of the global network on ethics “Globethics.net Foundation”, based in Geneva/Switzerland and with 10 offices on four continents. He is Executive Director of Geneva Agape Foundation in Geneva, mainly with partners in China. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Basel, Distinguished Professor at the Technical University MEPhI in Moscow, Visiting Professor at GOU University in Enugu/Nigeria and at Kingdom Business College in Beijing/China. He got his Doctor Honoris Causa from the UPC University in Kinshasa/DR Congo for his long-term engagement in Africa. He is co-coordinator of the international research project on “Religions in OneBeltOneRoad” with the Minzu University, Academy of Religions, in Beijing. He published as author and editor many books and hundreds of articles on applied ethics, among others thematic fields.

Richard Higginson
Born in England, Richard Higginson was the Director of Faith in Business Faith from its inception in 1989 until May 2018, a unique resource for relating Christian faith to the business world which integrates the areas of faith, values, and leadership. Faith in Business runs a spring weekend conference every year, which is regularly attended by 50-60 Christian businesspeople.
Richard Higginson is also the founder and editor of the quarterly journal Faith in Business, and the author of several books, including Called to Account, Transforming Leadership, Questions of Business Life, Faith, Hope & the Global Economy, and (with Kina Robertshaw) A Voice to be Heard.
He holds a Ph.D. in Theological Ethics of Helmut Thielicke at Manchester University and is a Trustee of various organizations, such as CABE, Traidcraft and Saints Project Trust.
He is a national and international speaker on Christianity, capitalism, and culture, business ethics, and theology of work.

Sergio Cavalieri
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Civil Engineer, postgraduate in Finance, Advanced Management Program at INSEAD France, Sergio belongs to the third generation of the family who founded the ASAMAR Group in 1932, and is Chairman of the Board of the holding company since 1997.
Past President of ADCE – Association of Christian Businessmen in the cities of Montes Claros and Belo Horizonte, both in the state of Minas Gerais, past President of UNIAPAC Latin America, Sergio is the current President of ADCE Brazil and member of the International Board of UNIAPAC.
He is also a member of various organizations, namely the Industry Association of Minas Gerais, the University Council of the Catholic University of Minas Gerais, the International Advisory Council of Dom Cabral Foundation, among others. He has been honored with titles such as Businessman of the Year in 2008 by Industry Association of Minas Gerais, Honorary Citizenship in 2010 by the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Person of the Year from Brazilian Institute of Finance and Engineer of the Year Minas Gerais Society of Engineers.

Stephen B. Young
Stephen B. Young became the Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table in 2000. He wrote the book Moral Capitalism to explicate the economic and moral approach of the Caux Round Table to free market capitalism. In 2008, Young was named one of the 23 persons who developed the corporate social responsibility movement by Professor Sandra Waddock in her book, The Difference Makers.
For the Caux Round Table, Young drafted a set of ethical Principles for Government, edited a set of ethical Principles for NGOs, and wrote a set of ethical Principles for the Ownership of Wealth. Under Young’s stewardship, the Caux Round Table developed country chapters, developed a unique management tool for corporate social responsibility, the Arcturus assessment instrument, and an assessment instrument to help individuals act more ethically the Ethical Leadership Profile.
Young received his AB degree from Harvard College in 1967 and his JD degree from the Harvard Law School in 1974.

Etienne Wibaux
Etienne Wibaux is an entrepreneur from an old line of textile manufacturers, namely from the company Subrenat founded by his father in 1937. He has been also the President of the Centre Français du Patronat Chrétién (CFPC) which would turn into the EDC – Entrepreneurs et Dirigeants Chrétiens (EDC) in 2000.
From 2003 to 2006, Etienne Wibaux was the president of UNIAPAC International, being also the founder, and afterward, of the Fondation Cassiopée, which mission is to support projects in France and across the developing world that work in the areas of social inclusion of marginalized groups and poverty alleviation in general. Their project support ranges from micro-entrepreneurship especially for women and youth to general livelihood support, agriculture, education and construction support. He is still the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sobrenat.

Virachai Techavijit
Founder and Chairman of Regent’s International Schools and Colleges Thailand and the UK
Virachai Techavijit is Chairman of Saenruk Arukas Limited, the General Consul of the Republic of Estonia in Bangkok, an advisor of the National Legislative Assembly Committee on Education and Chairman of the Thai Blockchain Association. He also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Honorary Consuls Association of Thailand.
He was an official advisor of former Prime Minister of Thailand and a former Senior Vice Chairman at Bangkok Metropolitan Bank.
Virachai Techavijit is also Estonian Honorary Consul General in Bangkok. He holds a Ph.D. & M.A. from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in Accountancy and a B.A. from Thomas More College in Cincinnati. He was a Lecturer appointed in MBA Program at UCLA in University of California in Los Angeles.

José Luis Mendoza Pérez
Member of the Spanish Olympic Committee
José Luis Mendonza Pérez has founded the Universidad Católica San António (UCAM) in Guadalupe, Murcia, in 1996.
His particular style of management has been marked by an intense activity of sports patronage, with hiring of Olympic medalists like Mireia Belmonte or David Cal. The UCAM currently has 16 federated teams. In fact, 11 of the 17 medals won by Spain in the Olympic Games of Rio de Janeiro 2016 belong to athletes awarded by the UCAM. In the same year, the Spanish Minister of Education, Culture and Sports recognized the cultural work of José Luis Mendoza granting him entry into the ‘Orden Civil de Alfonso CX el Sabio’, which awards personal work and contribution to society in the fields of teaching, research, culture, and sports.
In 2017 he was elected as a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee.

Maria Manuel Seabra da Costa
During her 27 years of experience in management, consultancy, and teaching, Maria Manuel had the opportunity to develop her expertise in a wide range of relevant dimensions. Such expertise was gained and consolidated as she was exposed to several sectors.
Graduated in Economics, has an MBA from Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and enrolled on Executive Education programs from both the London Business School and AESE (from IESE network).
Currently combining the Non-Executive Director appointments, consultancy, and management activity with being a professor, speaker, coach, and author.

Raj Sisodia
Co-founder of Conscious Capitalist Movement and Thought Leader
Raj Sisodia is FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College, and Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc. He has a Ph. D. in Marketing from Columbia University. Raj is co-author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (2013) and Wall Street Journal bestseller Everybody Matters (2015). He was named one of “Ten Outstanding Trailblazers of 2010” by Good Business International, and one of the “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior” by Trust Across America for 2010 and 2011. Raj received an honorary doctorate from Johnson & Wales University in 2016.
Raj has published ten books and over 100 academic articles. His book Firms of Endearment: How World Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose was named a top business book of 2007 by Amazon.com. He has consulted with numerous companies, including AT&T, Nokia, LG, DPDHL, POSCO, Kraft Foods, Whole Foods Market, Tata, Siemens, Sprint, Volvo, IBM, Walmart, Rabobank, McDonalds, and Southern California Edison. He is on the Board of Directors at The Container Store and a trustee of Conscious Capitalism Inc.

Claudia Belli
Global Head of Social Entrepreneurship and Microfinance, BNP Paribas Wealth Management
Claudia Belli is in charge of meeting the rapidly-expanding needs of microfinance institutions both in mature and emerging markets and reinforcing the links created between BNP Paribas and the social enterprise ecosystem.
She joined BNP Paribas in 1991 as an international analyst after experience in marketing and real estate. She served in various roles in the Corporate Finance and Export Finance departments before becoming Head of Export Finance for the Asia-Pacific region in 2008 and Head of Sales Development for the Export Finance Division of CIB in 2013. An Italian national, Claudia is a graduate of Bocconi University in Milan and holds a CEMS Masters from HEC School of Management in Jouy-en-Josas, France.

Roberto M. Laviña
Roberto M. Lavina is currently the Chief Operating Officer of Phinma Group, controlling and managing interests in construction materials, affordable education, energy, hotels, economic housing and strategic consulting. As such, he is currently on the boards of directors of all the companies of the Phinma Group, serving as Chairman or Vice-Chairman or President for a number of them.
He completed a Master’s degree in Business at the Asian Institute of Management and attended the Program for Management Development at the Harvard Business School.
Roberto is also an active member of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP), a Catholic lay organization committed to embed Christian values into the business milieu. He was President of the BCBP from January 2006 to December 2008.

Denis Duverne
Denis Duverne has been the Chairman of the Board of AXA SA since September 2016. He had been previously DeputyC executive of AXA since 2010 and Chief Financial Officer from 2003 to 2010, having joined the Group in 1995.
After graduating from École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and École Nationale d’Administration (ENA), he worked from 1979 to 1991 for the French Ministry of Finance before joining the Crédit Lyonnais Group from 1991 to 1995.
M. Duverne is also chairman of Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and chairman of the Steering Committee of the Insurance Development Forum which brings together the World Bank, the UNDP and the insurance industry with the aim to ensure 400 million people in developing countries affected by climate change.

Pierre Martinot-Lagarde
Since 2008, Pierre in charge of developing and nurturing partnerships between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Faith-Based Organisations. Previously, he was head of the Centre de Recherche et d’Action Sociales in Paris and Director of the Journal Project. He holds a Ph.D. in Demography (University of Pennsylvania, 1998) and a Master in Theology (Centre Sèvres, 1994).

Paul Dembinski
Professor and Director of the Fondation L’Observatoire de la Finance
Paul Dembinski is an economist and political scientist by training, educated in Poland, in Switzerland, in Cameroon, and in the UK. Dembinski is Professor at the University of Fribourg where he holds the Chair of International Competition and Strategy in the Department of Management.
Initiator and Executive Director of the Fondation L’Observatoire de la Finance, which mission is to promote awareness of ethical concerns in financial activities and the financial sector, he has also co-founded, in 1989, Eco’Diagnostic, a fully independent, interdisciplinary economic research institute that still operates today.
In 2005 he helped to establish the Ethics & Trust in Finance Prize and his most recent books – Ethics and Responsibility in Finance (2016) and Bien commun – par-delà les impasses (as co-editor in 2017) were translated into French, German, Hungarian and Polish languages. He is President of the International Association for Christian Social Teaching and of Plateforme Dignité & Développement (Switzerland).

Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo
Secretary General of the International Catholic Migration Commission
Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo is a Catholic priest of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey (USA) and served in Catholic Church-related charitable agencies at local, national, and global levels. Between 2005 and 2016, he coordinated the Caritas Internationalis Delegation to the UN in Geneva.
While serving as the Director of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, USA, during the 1980s, Msgr. Vitillo coordinated the resettlement of Southeast Asian, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Haitian and Cuban refugees to the United States. He also assisted ICMC to design its cultural orientation programs for Southeast Asian refugees in Bataan, Philippines. He currently serves at Caritas Internationalis both as its Head of Delegation to the United Nations in Geneva and as Special Advisor on Health and HIV/AIDS.
Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo also serves as the Attaché for Health at the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the UN in Geneva and has completed graduate studies in Theology, Clinical Social Work, and Management.

Silvia Taurozzi
Having a broad business building and managing experience in the agri-business sector, and a strong commitment to social development in South America, supporting inclusion and gender parity, she is the Director of IRRADIA Foundation, a not for profit organization in Latin-America that helps individuals identify and understand the relation between development opportunities in the region and the benefits that global integration can bring to the region as a whole.
Previously, she was the former CCO of Louis Dreyfus Company. Born in Argentina and graduated as Industrial Engineer, Summa Cum Laude at Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA), Silvia is also the former President of “Marianne“, a French and Argentine women’s led organization formed by business women and entrepreneurs.
Opening session | |
18:00 | Greetings and presentation of participants: |
João Pedro Tavares, President of ACEGE | |
Rolando Medeiros, President of Uniapac | |
Cardinal Peter Turkson – Video message to UNIAPAC | |
Mons. Bruno-Marie Duffé, secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development Presentation of “The Vocation of the Business Leader” – 5th Edition |
Stefano Zamagni, Keynote Speaker, University of Bologna Italy | |
President of the Portuguese Republic – video message to UNIAPAC * |
09:00 – 09:10 | Morning prayer: Msgr. Manuel Clemente, Lisbon Cardinal |
Initial remarks | Business as a Noble Vocation |
09.10 – 09:20 | Rolando Medeiros, President of Uniapac |
PANEL 1 | A personal transformation to assume bussiness as a calling |
09:20 | Introductory Remarks: João César das Neves Univ. Católica Portuguesa, Portugal |
Amina Laraki-Slaoui, Group AMH, Morocco | |
Michal Hrabovec, Anasoft, Slovakia | |
Pak Djisman, Prasetiya Mulya Foundation, Indonesia | |
Augusto Serafica, IMDM Pty Ltd, Philippines | |
Aimée Sene, Conseil National du Patronat, Sénégal | |
10:20 – 10:50 | Networking break |
PANEL 2 | Promoting inclusiveness in business |
10:50 | Keynote Speaker: Randy Lewis, NOGWOG Disability Initiative, USA Moderator: Rui Diniz, José de Mello Saúde, Portugal |
Discussion Panel | |
Martin Burt, Overcoming Poverty, Paraguay | |
Michel Roy, Caritas Internationalis, France | |
Luc Cortebeek, ILO, Labor Unions and the future of work, Belgium | |
Cécile Renouard, ESSEC, France | |
Chiara Condi, Led by Her, USA | |
12:30 | Presentation of Jo Hatem, President of Les EDC, Lebanon |
12:40 – 14:30 | Lunch – Marriot Hotel |
PANEL 3 | Inspiring principled business performance |
14:30 | Keynote Speaker: Richard Higginson, Faith in Business, UK Moderator: Christoph Stückelberger, Global Ethics, Switzerland |
Discussion Panel Alejandro Pellico, USEM, Mexico |
Etienne Wibaux, Cassiopée Fondation, France | |
Antonio Pinto Leite, Morais Leitão, Portugal | |
Stephen B. Young, Caux Round Table, USA | |
Sergio Cavalieri, Asamar Group, Brasil | |
16:00 – 16:30 | Networking break |
PANEL 4 | Fostering businesses that positively impact the common good |
16:45 | Keynote Speaker: Raj Sisodia, Conscious Capitalism, USA |
Discussion Panel | Moderator: Maria Manuel Seabra Da Costa, Portugal Claudia Belli, BNP Social Impact Investing, France |
José Luis Mendoza Pérez, UCAM, Spain | |
Roberto Laviña, Phinma Group, Philippines | |
Virachai Techavijit, Regent’s International Schools and Colleges, Thailand | |
Felix Pole, CMI Ltd, United Kingdom | |
20:30 | Welcome dinner – Marriot Hotel |
Awarding | Business as a Noble Vocation Award |
09:00 – 09:30 | Introductory Remarks by Rolando Medeiros, President of UNIAPAC Regional Winners presented by Rodrigo Whitelaw, Secretary General UNIAPAC Business as a Noble Vocation Award Worldwide Winner: Dissertation |
PANEL 5 | Addressing the challenges of the future of work |
09:30 – 11:00 | Moderator: Msgr. Robert Vitillo, International Catholic Migration Commission, USA Discussion Panel: |
Prof. Paul Dembinski, Fondation L’Observatoire de la Finance, Switzerland | |
Silvia Taurozzi, IRRADIA Foundation, Argentina | |
Pierre Martinot-Lagarde, ILO, France | |
Denis Duverne, AXA Group, France | |
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffe break |
11:30 | Conclusions and final remarks |
12:00 | HOLY MASS |
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